'Adventure is nothing but a romantic name for trouble' – Louis L'Armour

We’ve grown.


If you are reading this, then first of all a big Thank You to you all who have made it possible for us to be here. This space started as a personal travel blog. And then Facebook Page happened until we realized that the true potential lie in sharing all our experiences and not just mine.

So here we are, older and wiser than ever before announcing our leap forward towards sharing and enhancing our travel experiences. We’ve upgraded from the blog to a website at www.thejourneytoinfinity.com. Our Facebook Page also has a revamped look and newer approach for better communication. We’re more dedicated than ever before.

Do subscribe to our newer posts by adding your e-mail at the subscriptions tab on the right sidebar on the website and we promise not to spam your inbox! Looking forward for a newer, stronger and a mutual relationship.

We would be diverting the traffic to this blog directly to the website in a few days. All content on this blog can be found at the website under the same tags. Feel free to share more and don’t forget to ReadOutLoud !

Prateek Darolia
Admin & Fellow Traveler.

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